Awoke with a throat on fire and a shin screaming blue murder. Took as many drugs as safe to do so and set about redistributing load (preparing those two packages for my loving wife) and finalising the route for the last week.
Two things very quickly dawned on me. The first is that according to my mapping system and step monitor I have completed 211.23 miles and when I total what is left that equals another 111.24 miles (a grand total of 322.47 miles!!!! That's 72 more than planned? I know there have been a few detours along the way and walking around all those cemeteries adds a bit, but really?)
I certainly feel like I've done a lot already, so maybe the plan was added up wrong originally.
Weather reports suggest rain Wednesday, then Rain from Saturday evening right through the rest of my walk, so it looks like I'm finishing wet.
The awful realisation I have had is that I have nowhere to stay on Saturday night as everything around Verdun is booked solid for Remembrance celebrations on Sunday!
I have my sleeping bag and a survival sack, so at the moment it looks like I'll be sleeping rough! Hopefully I can seek sanctuary in a barn or church if the weather gets too nasty.
As I near the end of my rest stop, my physical condition remains unchanged. The shin didn't like the 3 miles I walked to La Poste and back, nor has the throat got any better. Hopefully another nights rest might improve both, but please dear reader, wish me luck for the next week.
Thanks Dave.....will do!
Your doing fantasticly well paul.Really incredable.
Take care of yourself out there.