So day 15, a strange night led into it, where at 0130hrs my left shin was giving me so much pain I considered getting to a hospital to get it checked, then my alarm went off at 0630hrs and it wasn't hardly painful at all?
I honestly don't know whether I had a really vivid dream or it was real!
My walk today headed in a South westerly direction, crossing the landscape that the American army fought over. It is very different to the battlefields of the Somme and Vimy.
Here there are rolling hills as far as you can see, and huge forested areas.
To advance across this sort of landscape must have been a real challenge.

I covered 20 miles today, bringing the total I have walked to 272.93 which isn't bad considering the whole thing was supposed to be 250 miles!
So, whilst I'm strolling along each day, my mind gets to wandering and I wonder about all sorts.
Have I let myself and my sponsors down by not camping out? Maybe, but I am sure that I wouldn't have made it this far if I'd rougher it out (I am after all, an ancient looking 49 years old). So for me, the walk and visiting the cemeteries and memorials was the important thing.
Of most concern for me during this walk has been Cows. Exactly what are they up to?
You meet any other animal and it shows some natural reaction, Dogs bark, either aggressively or excitedly, Cats show a nonchalant disregard, sure you can stroke them, but ultimately they couldn't care less one way or another, Horses tend to move away, concerned that you might throw a saddle on their back and make them gallop somewhere and wild animals just steer clear in case you are going to shoot them.
Cows are different, cows just watch you through cold, unemotional eyes. I swear they are eventually going to rise up and over throw man kind
Forget Planet of the apes, I'm talking about Planet of the cows (and I'm not referring to Harlows only nightclub on a Saturday night). Mark my words, Cows are plotting against us. Look at the picture below, four cows consider attacking,(Should we kill him now, or wait until the full scale uprising?) whilst the other checks for any back up I may have. We humans would call the thing a movement and that should be proof enough!

Remember, you heard it here first, don't come running to me for help when they attack. Eat more Beef people, it's our only hope!
Anyway friends, as I am still without shelter on Saturday night (unless I walk 40 miles a day for the next two, or get a taxi at huge expense on Sunday to get me to the Remembrance service on time) and the fact that Saturday threatens to be a day of heavy rain and my waterproof coat isn't. I must return to my A-team type headquarters, where I am busy fashioning waterproof clothing out of garden waste bags and duck tape.
Sleep well and check the closets for cows before you retire (they'll attack in the night for sure)