Welcome back dear readers,
So yesterday left me struggling to hold on to my new found respect for the French. I'll explain.........
Throughout the planning of this walk, the personal aim was to arrive at the memorial to Henry Gunther (the last man to be killed in WW1) at 1100 on 11th November, exactly 100 years to the minute after he died.
Having no accommodation available within a 25 mile radius of the memorial and the weather being such today that 'roughing it' would certainly have meant bedding down wet through. I spent every possible moment yesterday phoning taxi company's to try and arrange transportation for Sunday morning (25km would be about 5 hrs walking, forcing me to walk around two hours in the dark along roads with no lighting and no paths).
Every company I tried gave me a curt 'non' and any further requests about other providers who might do the job was met with more 'non' or just hanging up (perhaps my poor French wasn't helping admittedly).
Desperate, I booked the closest hotel and asked them to try to find a taxi for me. By 2000hrs, the hotel got back to me to advise no taxi available.
My immediate thoughts were that the taxi companies I had spoken to were all rude and earning to much. My second thought was I'd have to cancel the hotel and rough it for the night.
It was during the call to the hotel, that the owner offered to drive me to where I needed to be on Sunday. I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing, but after seeking confirmation it was true! I had been saved.
So, early this morning after looking out the window to confirm the weather was good only for ducks,

I continued to fashion a top of the range waterproof from garden waste sacks and scotch tape. Personally, I feel Mr. Gauthier would be impressed, it has a certain urban sheek to it, and is compact and portable.

Feeling rather pleased with myself, I headed into the deluge.
One hour in and I was wetter through sweating than I would have been had I gone out without a coat!
The fashion item had to go.
Onwards I trudged for a little over ten miles when I happened upon one of those fantastic Bar/ Tabac / lotto shops. It was open and had a lovely wood burning stove, so I joined the two men and the lady owner inside.
I immediately requisitioned the table in front of the wood burner and got my coat over a chair and put it as close to the stove as it would go and ordered a Cafe Grande.
The men laughed and pointed at the puddles that had formed below my coat and asked me (as far as I could make out) "why are you walking in this weather?" I got out my handy walk poster (in French) and everyone read it. They seemed to be between impressed and horrified after reading it.

We chatted for a little longer (2 cage grande and one Kronenbourg) and they ascertained I was heading for Marville. Having explained as best I could as to why I was heading away from Verdun, one of the men offered to drive me there. I must admit, with the rain still lashing down outside, I didn't even think about refusing.
So here I sit, in a room that's boiling hot (to dry my clothes and boots), contemplating what tomorrow might bring.
A German camera crew are here filming about the centenary remembrance services, they were very interested in my story, but no offers yet of a series.
Finally, everything I've done towards this walk is about raising awareness of the Great work the Royal British Legion do towards looking after veterans and their families, and to raise a little money for them to help continue it.
So, if you haven't donated yet (and you can afford too) please do.
I have noted that several people who have promised to donate haven't yet, so here's the link to my fundraising page again.
For the record, today's efforts bring the totals to:
616,815 steps and 306.14 miles.