So, a good night's sleep and away I go, but quickly feel cold. A T-shirt, hoodie and waterproof jacket should help? Nope. I added a woolly hat under my jungle Cano and pulled my hood over the top, to no effect. The gloves went on, but pretty soon I was actually shivering as I walked and, whilst it was cold a jacket seemed to be good enough for everyone else and the sun was out intermittently!!
Max dosages of flu capsules taken and head down and walk.

I visited Fouquescourt British Cemetery (where the picture above was taken) Maucourt French National Cemetery and Vermandovillers German Cemetery. That was a total of 28,308 men.
The German Cemetery was filled with black crosses with four names listed on each a stark difference to Allied cemeteries. I believe that German culture considers death a matter for mourning and therefore associated with black, whereas the allies believe death during war to be a righteous death. At least that's what I read/heard I think!

So, after 22 miles shivering I needed to find a sanctuary........Airbnb trumped and found me somewhere that claimed to have a room, just 13KM in the wrong direction!!
A friendly Gendarme arranged the taxi for me having driven past slowly twice checking me out (and possibly calling for back up).
I slept for 13hrs with fever sweats all night!
Well done so far mate, i'm guessing the Hammock has also been buried! Perhaps now you will take some photos whilst standing up. Very interesting, keep going!!