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The real day 10 - records tumble!

Writer's picture: pjuckettpjuckett

Hello again dear readers!

The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that yesterday's post labelled day ten should have in fact been day 9 (just checking that on my fingers again) yes, yesterday was day 9, today is day 10.

What a day! Keen to push on whilst the weather's fine and to earn myself a rest day on day 12 by walking day 9, 10, 11 and 12 in just three days I covered 25 miles today (40 km).

0800hrs and there's a frost laying in Northern France

Fuelled by a proper English breakfast (2 eggs, 2 Bacon, 2 Tomato, Baked beans and some toast, I set off like a greyhound after the rabbit.

The miles trundled by and I continued for two hours before the left shoulder started to give some pain. After a 20 minute rest, I loaded up and went on my way.

20 minute PNB to rest left shoulder

The majority of today's walk ventured along an old railway track bed that wound it's way through the French ardennes. Forest all the way, but no cars to dodge.

Early part of forest trail

Having been powering along for four and a half hours, I came upon a virtual oasis amongst the forest and felt it wise to stop and take on fuel.

La Forestiere - very nice it was too!

So, I studied the menu carefully and realising it was all pretty much grill foods, I satisfied myself with Cheeseburger, chips and a coffee.

All very nice, but I couldn't resist a small one of these:

Ledge blond, 33cl - first alcoholic drink since Wednesday 24th 1652hrs (not that I was counting)

I pressed on and met an old man walking in the opposite direction to me, He was keen to stop and ask me what I was doing, where was I walking?

I showed him my walk poster which explains everything in French and he congratulated me and even donated 2 Euros to the cause.

I thanked him and asked if he walked often and he said 4 months? I asked him where he had walked from and he said Portugal! Turns out he is on a pilgrimage for the Lady Fatima that will end somewhere in Belgium having started in Portugal!!!

I congratulated him, wished him luck and left, feeling a tiny bit embarrassed about only walking 400 odd KM!

As I ventured deeper through the Forest, the left shin started to give some sharp pain, which I hope is not the shin splint injury redeveloping! If it is, it makes a rest day more important, but another 25 miles tomorrow might finish it off. What to do?

Sunny forest trails

I have reached my overnight digs after just shy of 50000 steps. Showered, slapped Ibugel on shoulder and shin and wiĺ see what the morning brings (remembering that there is a little old man out there who has walked from Portugal!)


Actually, just one more thing....I see Charlton won today!



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1 Comment

David Stride
David Stride
Nov 04, 2018

Well Done Paul.For the miles you have walked so far you definately deserved a beer.Glad you are getting on ok..Dave Stride

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